A memory of my Dad
My Dad being awarded his Military Hall of Fame metal.
As many of my regular listeners know, my Dad passed away on this date a couple of years ago. One of my thousands of fond memories of him revolved around my birthday and the baseball All Star game.
Every year from the time I was 10 until I graduated high school at 17 Dad and I would go to a Cubs-Reds double header that was always around my birthday and just before the All Star break. I was the only one in a Cubs cap. The Reds were always better and beat the Cubs with ease. In part that is what prepared me to be a Cleveland Sports fan. Somehow I always cheer for the losers.
After the games we would go to a restaurant and have a good meal. While we were always very close, this time together during a work day seemed to be special to me.
While this post may seem a bit self-serving, I ask your indulgence. My point here is that we never know as parents what will sick in the minds of our children. It is also that when a parent … Read more at FryingPanSports