Preventing Injury While Playing Hockey
Preventing Injury While Playing Hockey
Some people might recall the glory days of professional hockey when players did not wear helmets. Back then, goalies wore little more than a thin face shield, if anything at all. This is why there were so many broken noses as well as broken teeth, and severe injuries. Today the addition of new equipment has helped to reduce many of these injuries. For example, the “Tuuk blade” which offers a plastic holder. This has reduced many injuries due to the blade breakage. All of the companies that manufacture hockey equipment today are constantly looking for better ways to increase safety.
The manufacturers of hockey equipment have helped to improve the safety issues players face. The helmets and face masks, which are now mandatory, have probably made the most impact. These two pieces of equipment have tremendously reduced the injuries above the shoulder. The face mask has nearly eliminated blinding eye injuries. Many injuries to the face and eyes have also been reduced significantly. The helmet has reduced many soft tissue damages to the covered areas of the head. There is no doubt that there is better protection needed for the neck in order to … Read more at FryingPanSports