All About Bouldering

Bouldering is a popular extreme sport wherein, as the term suggests, boulderers climb boulders or chunks of rocks.  This type of sport calls for high level of power and strength as well as complex climbing style or technique.

Such type of sport requires different equipment necessary for the boulderers to climb safely and successfully. One of which is a pair of climbing shoes that will provide the boulderer’s feet with enough grip and protection. A loose chalk powder is another tool needed to keep the hands dry while climbing. Brushes with different sizes are also necessary as they are used for cleaning holes to which the boulderers can hold on. Getting cuts, blisters, and sprained joints are also inevitable so sports tape should always be included in the kit. Comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing is another important requirement.

Bouldering is relatively harder than the traditional wall climbing because it involves more complicated rock patterns and requires greater endurance and swifter moves.

To protect boulderers from the impact of falling to ground, they put on crash pads known as boulder mats to avoid incurring more serious injuries. Normally, boulderers take a 3- to 5-meter climb. However, there are some who go free … Read more at FryingPanSports

Bushcraft experiences in and around the Peak District

For adventure lovers and outdoor types, the Peak District Derbyshire area is a great place to experience bushcraft. With stunning scenery, dense woodlands, miles of trails and pathways, rivers to cross, and hills to climb, there are ample opportunities to hone your survival skills. An organized course is the best (and legal) way to enjoy wildcamping and bushcraft.

Bushcraft courses usually take place over a weekend, so those wanting a true Peak District experience could choose to make a holiday of it, and stay in one of many stunning Peak District cottages in the area.

Bushcraft is essentially survival skills, living in the natural environment, and using your surroundings to thrive. Used for centuries in Australia and South Africa, bushcraft has gained recent popularity in the UK with Ray Mears’ television series. Wildcamping is technically illegal in England, so bushcraft, camping and survival courses are great ways to experience the outdoors without the trappings of a conventional campsite.

There are now plenty of places to enjoy bushcraft experiences in the Peak District area. Organized outdoor adventures, led by qualified guides and instructors can be incredible learning experiences for the whole family. A weekend experience is a great way to begin … Read more at FryingPanSports