Mavs Owner Mark Cuban is looking into starting a REAL NCAA Championship Playoff system for College Football.
Mark Cuban has always been one of the most outspoken proponents of marketing in the NBA. But he has interests far beyond that sport. He attempted to buy the Chicago Cubs but was rebuffed by the Old Boys Club known as Major League Baseball. Now he has another idea and this one is something I can really get behind–He wants to finance a true NCAA Playoff system. He told “The more I think about it, the more sense it makes as opposed to buying a baseball team. You can do something the whole country wants done.”
There are precedents for starting a true playoff. Pryor to the first NCAA Basketball National Championship Tournament, the National Invitational Tournament was the “unofficial” championship. It took a few years before the NIT became a footnote and the NCAA Tournament became the central focus as the “real” championship.
Cuban wants to replace the BcS and most of the football world (except the pinhead ivy covered college presidents) agrees it should go. Cuban is totally correct that there would be a lot more money generated by a national playoff than by the 34 bowl games plus the BcS Championship game.
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