Special NFL Draft podcasts of News, Notes and Rumors


Check out the first two NFL and Browns draft podcasts already up on the radio page.  To find the podcast you want enter the title listed below in the search box.

News, Notes & Rumors 02-25-2013 Samantha Bunten – Samamtha and I talked Browns organization, the draft and a little Indians as well.

News, Notes & Rumors 03-11-2013 Jon Dove – Jon and I talked NFL draft, strongest areas of this pool of players and some free agency.

News, Notes & Rumors 03-17-2013 David Kay – Dave, the basketball Guru for Walterfootball.com,  and I previewed the NCAA Brackets and Ohio States’ chances of winning it all.

News, Notes & Rumors 03-25-2013 John Turvey – John, the draft analyst for theHuddle.com, and I talked about all aspects of the NFL Draft.

News, Notes & Rumors 03-27-2013 Ken Becks – Ken, the owner of 1stdownscouting.com/1st down, and I talked about the Browns needs, the top prospects and the top 10 picks we expect to be made in the draft.

Thanks to all our guests and good listening.

The podcasts and be heard at https://fryingpansports.com/radio-show/.

Bill Smith is a former coach of several semi-pro football teams, has officiated both football and basketball, Read more at FryingPanSports