The Cleveland Browns are cursed!
The first editorial I did on this sight was “God hates the Cleveland Browns.” Now the NFL Channel admits that the Browns are the “most snake-bit team in the NFL.” One expert on the show indicated that the team suffered from the “Paul Brown curse.” But it is not Paul Brown that cursed the team and its fans to perpetual suffering, it was Art Modell!
The Modell curse started in 1961 when he bought the team. (My Dad believed that a fool and his money are soon parted. The question is how did they get together in the first place?)
On Jan. 9, 1963 Modell began to display his total ignorance of the game and his inability to evaluate talent when he fired long time GM and head coach Paul Brown. While there were a number of issues between Brown and Modell one thing is clear. Under Paul Brown the team had won four AAFC championships and three NFL titles. He had brought together a team that was always in the playoffs before there was a wild card. And yet Modell fired him.
Modell wanted to have control over the football side of the team. Modell was … Read more at FryingPanSports