Preventing Injury While Playing Hockey


Preventing Injury While Playing Hockey

Some people might recall the glory days of professional hockey when players did not wear helmets. Back then, goalies wore little more than a thin face shield, if anything at all. This is why there were so many broken noses as well as broken teeth, and severe injuries. Today the addition of new equipment has helped to reduce many of these injuries. For example, the “Tuuk blade” which offers a plastic holder. This has reduced many injuries due to the blade breakage. All of the companies that manufacture hockey equipment today are constantly looking for better ways to increase safety.

The manufacturers of hockey equipment have helped to improve the safety issues players face. The helmets and face masks, which are now mandatory, have probably made the most impact. These two pieces of equipment have tremendously reduced the injuries above the shoulder. The face mask has nearly eliminated blinding eye injuries. Many injuries to the face and eyes have also been reduced significantly. The helmet has reduced many soft tissue damages to the covered areas of the head. There is no doubt that there is better protection needed for the neck in order to … Read more at FryingPanSports

6 (Not So Simple) Steps for Purchasing a Professional Sports Team

Franchise For Sale

Who hasn’t dreamed of owning their very own professional sports team? Well it can be done and it would be easy to restrict this list to just one simple requirement, namely, the first item on this list. But there’s more to it than that. Here are six (not so simple) steps for purchasing a professional sports team.

  1. Get Rich Quick

Piece of cake, right? Okay, maybe not. But being rich is the first step along the way. They don’t give these franchises away. And some of them are worth billions! So you had better start with very deep pockets.

  1. Know the Sport

An in-depth knowledge of the sport is a big help. You need to know if the sport is thriving in the city where your team is located. In the case of football and baseball, this can be a given. But with basketball and hockey, things are a little more hit and miss. Struggling teams can be had cheap but you better be sure you’ve got the know-how to turn them around or you’ll keep losing money.

  1. Love the Hate

Fans of your team will hate you. The honeymoon will be over quick so you had better have … Read more at FryingPanSports

TO: Owners of the NFL and NBA This is not the time to strike or lockout!

Fryingpan Sports

TO: Owners of the NFL and NBA

This is not the time to strike or lockout!

By Bill Smith

There is a famous saying that those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That is not correct in all cases. In the case of the NFL and the NBA that face expiration of player master contracts in the next couple of years, let me restate it.

“Those that fail to learn from history are just doomed!” Smith, 2009

Both the leagues must learn from the examples of the NHL and MLB how devastating strikes or lockouts can be to their survival.

The case of MLB in 1994

In 1993, MLB had a total attendance of 70,257,938 a 26 percent increase over 92 and the best in league history. In the 5 years from 83-88 the league had averaged an increase of 3.3 percent per year. From 89-93 the league enjoyed an average increase of 5.5 percent per year. Teams like Montreal that had struggled for years were starting to show improvement. The game seemed fine but according to both the players association and the owners the economics were not.

The owners had forced then … Read more at FryingPanSports