News, Notes & Rumors for week 9
NOTE: Check out the live News, Notes and Rumors show on Monday and Friday at 6 PM Eastern on The Bill Smith Radio Show or the archive of the shows on On Monday Samantha Bunten of NBC Sports and I discuss the Browns game and the results of the weekend. On Friday Tony Williams Giants beat writer for Metro New York joins Samantha and me to preview the upcoming games.
By far the biggest news of the weekend was the Monday night injury to QB Aaron Rodgers. The latest report indicates that he has a break in his collar bone. Without Rodgers the Pack has little chance to make the playoffs.
Our thoughts go out to two NFL head coaches with health issues. FPS staff wishes both John Fox and Gary Kubiak a fast complete recovery. The job of an NFL coach is a 20 hour a day 52 week a year sentence. Those that take the job understand the physical demands that come with it. However, they do it for the love of the game.
Season ending injuries are way up this season. If the trend continues this season will set an all … Read more at FryingPanSports