Niblets for April 2010
Best comment of the month: 96 Teams in the NCAA Tournament is the worst idea since the BcS selection process.
Crime Scene Cleanup Tucson said “I completely agree with you..More teams is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Gotta be the money…”
CSC you hit it on the nose. The plan that came out after my editorial was that the NCAA planned to bid out every game between the 5 networks to increase the take. Check out the update below.
Updates on FPS Stories:
96 Teams in the NCAA Tournament is the worst idea since the BcS selection process.
The NCAA announced this week that they had scrapped the 96 team plan. They will add 3 play-in games for the spots to play the top seeds in each region. That is a much better solution. Let’s hope that the NCAA Executive committee stays away from the funny mushrooms.
The Steelers are having off field problems with their players.
The Ex-Steeler now Jet Santanio Holmes had another run in with authorities. According to the airline personnel he refused to turn off his iPod when the plane was landing. He claimed and the police report confirms that he turned it off but … Read more at FryingPanSports