Bass Fishing Game
- Image via Wikipedia
One of my favorite hobbies is fishing. I love to just get out in the outdoors and enjoy nature while fishing. I am open to all types of fishing, and have pretty much done them all. From catfish jugging in the midwest to deep sea fishing off the Florida coast to salmon fly fishing in Alaska, all of these fishing activities have the opportunity to bring me joy, and help me to find peace in nature.
Bass fishing is one type of fishing that I am particularly fond of. Growing up in the midwest, I was surrounded by ponds, rivers, and lakes full of small and large mouth bass and striped bass. Early on, I made friends with others who also loved to fish. Our fishing adventures started out as explorations. We experimented with methods and baits and lures, and found out new ways to catch bass.
Eventually, the competitive nature in us led to fierce competition. Each fishing trip turned into a bass fishing game: catch the most bass or catch the biggest bass. The nature of our competition evolved from bragging rights to full on bets: win one of the bass fishing games and … Read more at FryingPanSports