The Beauty – RC Sailboat Versus the Sheer Acceleration of a Speedboat

When I was a kid I remember the older men racing radio-controlled sailboats at the local lake near my house.  I used to live in a windy location so the venue was ideal for the sport.  Soon after, the hot-rods came by and started bringing the much faster nitro and methanol powered RC Powerboats.  Those things were incredible!  They used to host races every single weekend.  The fever soon became an obsession.  It wasn’t long before there were 30-50 guys at the lake every weekend racing boats.

Even with the extra speed of the gas-powered boats, the love of rc sailboats still remains.  In fact, some people GREATLY prefer the slow, quiet and peaceful drive of a sailboat.  I mean, most people spend the entire week in a fast-paced environment.  Some will argue that the last thing they need is more stress from being competitive in the weekends as well. For those boats, radio-controlled sailboats and other quiet vehicles, such as gliders are probably the best bet.

But either way, there’s no denying the sheer speed an awesome acceleration of a gas-powered RC speedboat.  Not only that, but they look unreal too!  Some are designed to look just like the … Read more at FryingPanSports

How to Correct a Golf Slice

Few things are more agitating to a golfer than having to deal with frequent slice shots. You may have the perfect set of clubs or the best golf GPS system money can buy, but if your shots are curving to the right you are not going to be happy with your score at the end of the round. Fortunately, learning how to correct a stubborn slice is not as hard as some players make it out to be. It does, however, require a little know how and practice.

Most slice shots are caused by an incorrect swing path. When the face of the club is even slightly open it will cause the ball to spin and go off path. Having a weak grip is another cause of slicing. A weaker grip forces you to not hit the ball dead on when you make contact.

Since a weak grip is a common cause of a slice, you should try to correct this possibility first. A weak grip is not actually how tight you are holding the driver, but is actually when you are holding the club at too much of a counter-clockwise angle. To correct this, adjust your grip more to … Read more at FryingPanSports

Choosing a rod and reel for catching trout


When fishing for trout it is very important to have the correct gear. If you have an unbalanced rod and reel you may have difficulty casting and fighting a fish, which isn’t an enjoyable experience. Fortunately, it is not difficult to set yourself up with some quality gear that will make fishing for trout a pleasure. The following tips will help you select a rod and reel suitable for trout fishing.

The Rod
Choosing from the many trout fishing rods on the market will basically come down to the type of fishing you plan on doing. If you want to take up fly fishing you will need a specific rod, and reel, to do this. Bait and lure fishing is a little more flexible, but most people choose a spinning or baitcaster fishing rod. Spinning rods are great for those who are new to the sport because baitcasters can be slightly more difficult to master in the short term.

The Reel
The general rule when choosing a fishing reel for trout is to match it with the sort of rod that you purchase. For instance, a fly fishing rod can only be matched with a fly fishing rod, a … Read more at FryingPanSports

When Can A Jet Ski Become Dangerous?

Whenever you are at the beach and you see people jet skiing, you often think to yourself “It must be fun to ride a jet ski.” You catch the wind, you enjoy the speed, and you get to see the ocean in a whole different way. But, skiing is not that easy. As enticing as it may seem, it is very dangerous especially if you are inexperienced.

Jet propulsion powers jet skis and one can only have control over it if there is power. There is no braking system in the machine. It is like a water motorcycle with applications of boating. However, it is still handled differently. You have to have the fitness to be able to control such machine. If you have little experience in such, do not try dangerous maneuvers.

Jet skis can be toppled easily when the sea is at its rough state. Plus, it offers little protection in case of collision. An accident may instantly cause death. When jet skiing, you must consider the number of people skiing and how experienced they are in handling the machine. It is important to keep in mind that a simple collision may lead to a very serious … Read more at FryingPanSports

Monday on NNR Doug Upstone and a replay of the Kelly Holcomb interview.


Monday on the Radio version of NNR Doug Upstone of joins me at 6:15 to talk about the odds for the NBA and NHL Playoffs as well as the chances of the Indians and Browns in 2011.

Because of the great interview with Ken Becks of we did not get to the replay of the Holcomb interview. At 7:15 I will replay the interview with former Browns QB Kelly Holcomb. That plus your calls and the winner of the call of the week prize starts at 6 PM EDT on .

Bill Smith is a former coach of several semi-pro teams, has officiated both football and basketball, done color on radio for college football and basketball and has scouted talent. He is a senior writer for and edits He has also published several novels on

and a non-fiction work at He edits . Also listen to the best Sports Talk anywhere on the Internet and hear his sports show Monday-Friday 6-8 PM EST on or .

Read more at FryingPanSports

A wee bit of a hope for the Indians…

Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio
Image via Wikipedia


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By Eli Kovach, a guest writer for

‘Twas the night before P & C’s reporting day, when all through the Northcoast,
Indian fans were still stirring from the Choo extension to boast
Chief Wahoo Headresses were hung in fourth place just last year,
Now the hope is the ChiSox, Twins & Tigers have a view from the rear

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