NOTE: No NNR show until Monday. Thanks
One trick that sports talk shows use to generate calls and controversy is making lists. Lists of teams, players or anything else cause calls and fills an otherwise slow period of late June and early July. Now the NFL Channel is doing the same thing.
The Top 100 player list is not only stupid, it is bad TV. I am convinced that it is impossible to rate players from different positions in an overall list. The NFL is a quarterback league. Any guard that is rated above a Super Bowl QB like Russell Wilson is unjust. If the NFL Channel needed to rank players, do it within each position. These overall ratings are nothing but a popularity/PR contest. No fan should pay attention to them.
It is June and the NFL is desperate for programming to broadcast. So watch it at your own risk. Those are hours of your life you will never get back. But don’t take it too seriously either.
That is what I think. Tell us what you think.
Bill Smith is a former coach of several semi-pro teams, has officiated both football and basketball, done color on radio for college football and basketball and has scouted talent. He edits He has also published several novels on and a non-fiction work at Follow him on twitter @NNRonDSN to get the schedule of Special News, Notes and Rumors broadcasts.
He also edits .
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