NOTE: Thursday on NNR Samantha Bunten of NBC Sports and I reviewed the Browns news, game 6 of the finals and the future of the Cavs.
On Friday I buried my mother. She passed in December but the family was unable to get together until now. That got me remembering my childhood. When your biggest disappointment is not getting to ride down Lombard Street in San Francisco, you had as nice a childhood as anyone could have wished for.
My Dad was a WWII hero, business owner, and my baseball coach. When our catcher broke a finger on his throwing hand, Dad called me in from 3rd base to catch. I had never played catcher but did my best. It was also the LAST PLACE I ever wanted to be.
I did my best to pass the love of sports on to my children. As a Browns fan, I must admit that I also made them aware of some pretty “colorful” language as well.
I am proud to say I have 3 wonderful young adults although my youngest daughter turned out to be a Cowboy fan. Nobody is perfect.
To all of you that take the time to listen to Samantha and me on NNR and read the postings here on FPS, I say thank you. And to all of those that are fathers, the best Fathers Day ever.
That is what I think. Tell us what you think by commenting here or tweeting me @NNRonDSN.
NOTE: News, Notes and Rumors podcast are BACK. Check out our thoughts on Fridays about the games coming up and Monday on the results of the weekend. My co-host is Samantha Bunten of NBC Sports. Podcasts can be heard on Thanks for your support.
Bill Smith is a former coach of several semi-pro teams, has officiated both football and basketball, done color on radio for college football and basketball and has scouted talent. He edits He has also published several novels on and a non-fiction work at Follow him on twitter @NNRonDSN to get the schedule of Special News, Notes and Rumors broadcasts. You can hear the previous shows on
He also edits .
To keep up with the News, Notes & Rumors podcasts, follow me on twitter @NNRonDSN.