

Note: The NNR podcasts are on

Deflationgate is a disaster for the NFL, the Pats, HC Bill Belichick and QB Tom Brady. I do not believe that anyone in the Pats organization even blinks without approval of Belichick. He runs that team with an iron fist. To think that he did not know about balls being under inflated is a joke.

If the AFC Championship game was the first time that it had happened, it could be seen as an anomaly. But we have learned that the same thing happened when the Pats went to Indy to play the Colts. The latest report from NBC Sports is that the game balls used by the Pats in the Indy dome were also deflated.

For those of you that have not been around football, let me make one thing clear—There is no way that an NFL QB can pick up a ball that is 2 pounds per square inch under inflated by 16 percent without knowing that something is different. At 10.5 psi the hand can dig into the ball significantly. It is MUCH easier to grip and throw particularly in bad weather. Brady claims he didn’t realize there was anything different. That is just not possible.

The next question is what should the NFL do? I believe that both HC Belichick and QB Brady should be suspended for some time. While it would be appropriate to suspend them for the Super Bowl, there is no way the NFL has the balls (excuse the pun) to do that. What will happen is that the NFL will likely fine the team and possibly void a draft pick or two.

That is what I think. Tell us what you think by commenting here or tweeting me @NNRonDSN.

NOTE: News, Notes and Rumors podcast are BACK. Check out our thoughts on Fridays about the games coming up and Monday on the results of the weekend. My co-host is Samantha Bunten of NBC Sports. Podcasts can be heard on Thanks for your support.

Bill Smith is a former coach of several semi-pro teams, has officiated both football and basketball, done color on radio for college football and basketball and has scouted talent. He edits He has also published several novels on and a non-fiction work at Follow him on twitter @NNRonDSN to get the schedule of Special News, Notes and Rumors broadcasts. You can hear the previous shows on

He also edits .

To keep up with the News, Notes & Rumors podcasts, follow me on twitter @NNRonDSN.

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