Congress and the White House are putting pressure on the BcS to change it's format.
By Bill Smith
While I generally believe that the Opposite of Progress is Congress, I congratulate them for trying to do something that would actually improve the lives of college football fans—toss out the BCS in favor of a true playoff. The current bill introduced by Rep. Barton (R-Tx) would prevent the BCS from calling any game a “Championship” that was not the result of a playoff.
Sporting News Today reported Saturday that Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley expects the current approach would be challenged in Federal Court if it ever became law. The critical issue according to Turley would be the law “wiping out benefits that have already been paid for by companies.”
As usual, the House may have a good goal but is going at it the wrong way. I think there are a couple of different approaches that would work.
The first approach I would try would be based on a Title IX style condition on federal funding for colleges. A college that participated in an discriminatory post season system would be denied federal funding. By definition, any system that did not provide a playoff of at least the top 8 teams would be discriminatory. As greedy … Read more at FryingPanSports